Here in Agrocoex we are determined to provide the best product possible. In order to stay close and updated with the needs of our customers and to have the chance to show the market our newest roses, this month we participated in a few exhibitions to maintain our brand fresh and to bring awareness to our products.
The first one was the FLOWERS EXPO POLAND 2018, held in Warsaw, Poland. Then, we participated in the FLOWERS EXPO 2018 in Moscow, Russia, where we were very proud to win the best quality product prize in the category “Rosa Salma”. Lastly, we were also part of the EXPO FLOR ECUADOR 2018 in Quito, Ecuador as exhibitors.
In the interest to staying connected with the audience, we contributed to making an Open House for all participants of the exhibition. We are very grateful for having being able to attend all of these wonderful exhibitions. They serve as a great opportunity to bring us closer to our customers.
All these experiences and events enable us to keep staying active and eager in our work, considering the challenges faced by the industry and the market, inspiring us to try different techniques and products in order to provide the best customer service.
To all the customers that took the time to visit us and all the people involved, we say thank you and we hope we can continue to offer the quality you need and deserve.